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Depression can come in a wide range of types, and it is important that an individual gets the correct diagnosis.
It can often feel for those who have depression, that it doesn’t count as a genuine mental illness and therefore can stop individuals from reaching out for support.
Those who experience anxiety may also become depressed and vice versa, individuals with depression can often eventually develop anxiety due to becoming constantly worried about their future.
Depression can last for a few days or weeks or sometimes even years. In terms of Anxiety and Depression separately, they will need to be treated as two separate symptoms.
Depression can affect people at almost any age at any point in their life. The earlier a diagnosis is discovered, the earlier it can be treated and this makes a big difference to people’s quality of life.
Individuals who experience major depression may find it very difficult to finish day-to-day activities and may become very emotional for no reason.
Postpartum Depression
Postpartum Depression is where a new Mother may experience the triggering of many different powerful emotions which range from really joyful moments to fear and anxiety.
With such a dramatic shift in emotions constantly, this can often result in depression.
It is common for new Mothers to experience spells of anxiety or sleeping troubles after birth. The ‘Baby Blues’ can last for around two weeks.
Some new Mothers experience something that is much more long-lasting, sometimes turning into depression.
After around two weeks of giving birth, if symptoms don’t seem to disappear, this can mean that Postpartum Depression is present. If this isn’t dealt with in its early stages, it can interfere with a Mother’s ability to care for her baby and handle other daily tasks.
Old-Age and Depression
The most common concern for the individuals who are elderly or their carers is the deficiency of psychological capacity related to the different sorts of dementia.
The analysis and treatment of mindset indications in later-stage dementia victims can be very challenging. It can be difficult to spot depression in an elderly person who has dementia as most of their symptoms are seen as relating to that.
There are tests available for elderly people who have dementia to decide if they are also depressed. If you feel there might be a chance that an elderly relative with dementia could also be depressed, please seek some advice from us by visiting our contact page and giving us a call.
There are other types of depression that are common in other age groups. Some of these are Bipolar Disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder, and Atypical Depression.
If you need assistance, please consult your Doctor or chat with one of our Consultant Psychiatrists.