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ADHD is an abbreviation of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a disorder that affects your mind to control how you sit, stand, pay attention and behave. It is a neurodevelopment disorder found in children and teens. This mental disorder sometimes extends to adulthood if not treated earlier.
ADHD is also associated with other neurodevelopmental conditions like dyslexia, dyspraxia, Tourette’s syndrome and other autistic spectrum disorders. Consult an experienced psychiatrist who can assess the symptoms and give a correct diagnosis for effective treatment.
3 Recognized Sub-types of ADHD
The three subcategories also serve as the common symptoms of ADHD.
Hyperactive – Children who are hyperactive and showcase impulsive behaviour show signs of ADHD. Such children have a short attention span and are often hard to control. Most parents ignore this sign in boys and as they grow older, they tend to become restless and or irritable.
Inattentive – It is also commonly known as ADD. Kids experiencing signs of ADD have difficulties staying attentive and focused. They cannot properly perform everyday tasks without being distracted. Such children become bored very quickly and easily. Some other symptoms of ADD include daydreaming, underachievement, and laziness.
Combined – This is the combination of both hyperactivity and ADD. Kids with severe ADHD show signs of inattention and hyperactivity.
To this day, experts are not sure what actually causes ADHD. Several things may lead to it, including Genes, Chemicals, Brain changes, Neurochemical imbalance, poor nutrition, infections, smoking, toxins, and brain injury. These are some of the most common perceived causes of ADHD.
ADHD Treatment
If you think you or your child has ADHD, the first step is to consult an experienced mental health professional. Once a specialist doctor diagnoses, only then you can proceed with a suitable treatment plan. Psychiatrists are typically the best in the field when it comes to treating ADHD as they have more experience and knowledge about neurodevelopmental conditions.
ADHD is not 100% curable but it is treatable and the majority of the patients respond to the treatment very positively. Generally, an ADHD treatment plan consists of psychoanalysis, therapy, and ADHD medications.
Here is a simple breakdown of an ADHD treatment plan:
Diagnostic assessment – Have a consultation with an experienced psychiatrist and get the diagnosis. The psychiatrist will assess the patient’s medical history and ask for detailed background information.
Post Diagnosis Medication – After the diagnosis either the patient is prescribed medication or therapy or both.
Post-Treatment Check-ups – During and after the treatment, the patient is required to visit the psychiatrist for follow-ups.
The Importance of Psychiatric Interventions
People with ADHD can experience many adverse effects on their mental, emotional, and behaviour patterns. If not treated they can lead to poor lifestyle choices and other mental health conditions. To treat and overcome the limitations and consequences of ADHD, seek the help of a professional psychiatrist. We have many high-quality specialist ADHD psychologists, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists to treat ADHD through therapy, coaching, and medication to transform your life.